For Casual Users
ReadPartner condenses vast articles, documents, news and videos into accessible summaries and digests, saving you valuable time and energy.
For Students
Enhance your studies and research with ReadPartner AI. Analyze vast amounts of information for your next academic assignment.
For Professionals
Business reports, articles, data or in-depth journalism and investigations, ReadPartner AI will maximize your professional efficiency.
Is the ReadPartner online AI detector free to use?
Yes, this free online artificial intelligence detector by ReadPartner is free to use once per day. You can create an account to receive higher usage limits and access more features such as our online portal and browser extension. Visit our pricing page to shop for an unlimited plan.
Do I have to register to use this AI detector?
You can use this AI detector without registration. By creating an account you will have access to higher limits and advanced features.
How often can I use this AI detector without registration?
You can use this online AI detector once every 24 hours. Sign up to increase usage limits and access advanced features.
Do I have to provide my email address to use this free AI detector?
You can use this AI detector for links, texts, YouTube videos, PDF, DOCX and other files without providing your email address.
Is my usage and identification data handled securely?
Yes, your usage data is anonymized and ReadPartner is completely safe to use thanks to its compliance with industry-standard security guidelines, measures, and protocols, including GDPR, CCPA, SSL, and robust data encryption practices. Read more on the ReadPartner security policy page.