Security Policy
Is the ReadPartner Chrome extension safe?
Yes, the ReadPartner Chrome extension is just as safe to use as the ReadPartner online portal. Data is handled using the same secure processes as in the online portal, ensuring safety through our compliance with industry-standard security guidelines, measures, and protocols, including GDPR, CCPA, SSL, and robust data encryption practices.
Does ReadPartner track my browsing history?
No, ReadPartner does not track your browsing history or activity. Additionally, thanks to modern encryption practices, even ReadPartner employees cannot identify which requests were made by you.
How does ReadPartner handle my data?
ReadPartner Inc. handles your data in full compliance with modern regulations, including GDPR and CCPA. You data is not for sale, it is used solely for technical and analytical purposes, always within the bounds of current regulations. Your sensitive usage activity is anonymized and never accessed.
Can ReadPartner employees see my activity?
No, ReadPartner employees cannot view sensitive data or activity. Your requests are fully anonymized, ensuring that employees cannot link any requests to your account.
Does ReadPartner sell my data?
No, ReadPartner does not sell your data. Your data is only used for technical and analytical purposes in full compliance with current regulations.
Why does the ReadPartner Chrome extension need special permissions?
ReadPartner will ask you for some permissions in order to process content effectively and integrate seamlessly into services such as Gmail. Your usage data is anonymized and kept secret.